WhatsApp is a popular tool used by many but it has also become a vehicle for fake news to spread. The Express was caught in this web hence I created a graphic alongside the message that read "Fake News" to alert readers
WhatsApp is a popular tool used by many but it has also become a vehicle for fake news to spread. The Express was caught in this web hence I created a graphic alongside the message that read "Fake News" to alert readers
This was a simple announcement that Budget 2019/ 2020 would be live blogged on the Express website
This was a simple announcement that Budget 2019/ 2020 would be live blogged on the Express website
Standby graphic just before the start of the livestream
Standby graphic just before the start of the livestream
Breaking News graphic that would appear online
Breaking News graphic that would appear online
A public service that was executed in case persons forget the emergency numbers
A public service that was executed in case persons forget the emergency numbers
The billboard that would let viewers to the livestream know who will be speaking. In this example, it is the Prime Minister
The billboard that would let viewers to the livestream know who will be speaking. In this example, it is the Prime Minister
A mockup to update the corporate site of the parent company One Caribbean Media Limited
A mockup to update the corporate site of the parent company One Caribbean Media Limited

Express Classifieds mockup layout

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